Integrity Zone (ZI) is a term or predicate given to ministries, institutions and local governments whose leaders and ranks have the intention (commitment) to realize a Free Corruption Region and a Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Region through efforts to prevent corruption, bureaucratic reform and service quality improvement public. Ministries, institutions and local governments that have declared the Integrity Zone propose that one of its work units be a Corruption-Free Area in accordance with Minister of Finance Regulation Number 52 Year 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Development of Integrity Zones within Government Agencies.
Corruption-Free Areas (WBK) are predicates given to a work unit that meet most changes management, governance arrangements, structuring the HR management system, strengthening supervision, and strengthening performance accountability. Whereas the Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Region (WBBM) is a predicate given to a work unit that fulfills most changes management, management arrangements, structuring the HR management system, strengthening supervision, strengthening performance accountability, and strengthening the quality of public services.
It is hoped that through the construction of this integrity zone work units that have been awarded the WBK / WBBM title can become pilot projects and benchmarks for other work units so that all work units are given the freedom to work properly in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. In addition, work units predicated on WBK / WBBM are the outcome of efforts to prevent corruption carried out in a concrete manner within the scope of the Integrity Zone.
By Admin
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